Daniel Leung: Where AI meets sustainability

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Daniel studied Engineering at UCL and Economics at LSE before joining Jumpstart's July 2021 cohort. 


“Before Jumpstart, I did a bunch of random stuff. I studied Engineering, but then decided that wasn’t really for me, so I went on to do a masters in Economics. I’ve also worked in different industries, from government, to banking, to consultancy.”

Daniel is now Business Development and Operations Executive at Hypermile, working to automate parts of commercial transportation to make it more agile, sustainable, and practical.

“The Founder and I will talk about anything you can think of! I think you have to have respect each other’s ideas – we all may be coming from different backgrounds with different ideas, but you have to respect everyone’s ideas.”

Daniel Leung (Business Development and Ops Associate, Hypermile)

“At Hypermile, we are all about energy efficiency for logistics companies, but also for automotive. Fuel currently accounts for one third of operational costs, and is a huge source of CO2 emissions. We track the most efficient behaviours, and use AI to replicate that, so it becomes autonomously driven. 

It’s a pre-product market fit startup, so a lot of my work involves thinking about strategy: who are our customers, and how do we get them on board?”

What’s it like working in a tight-knit team?

“Being transparent and honest about everything is really important. The Founder and I will talk about anything you can think of! I think you also have to have respect each other’s ideas – we all may be coming from different backgrounds with different ideas, and it may not be what you think, but you’ve got to respect them”

How was your experience of the Jumpstart programme?

“You turn the whole job application process around. Rather than making me pitch myself, startups come and pitch to you. And a great thing about this is that you get to sense the ‘vibe’ of a founder, which is key. You’ll be working with this person a lot, so it’s important to know if you’ll mix well. 

Even after you get a role you receive a lot of support moving forward. Whatever concern I have, I can always hit up Jumpstart for advice and useful contacts – it’s an amazing programme!”

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